Artwork for Laurinda in 360°
Ngoc Phan and Fiona Choi. Photo: Jeff Busby

Learning in Virtual Reality

Laurinda in 360°

Join the cast onstage to perform a scene from Laurinda, and venture backstage to see the stage manager at work, in this 360° video experience.

By Bonnie Leigh-Dodds, Emily Doyle

The following three videos are scenes of Melbourne Theatre Company's 2022 production of Laurinda, a new play by Diana Nguyen with Petra Kalive, based on the novel by Alice Pung. They were filmed in 360° video. Watch in full screen mode to enjoy an immersive viewing experience.

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Video 1: Perform onstage

Participate in the scene as character Lucy – a 15 year old girl. Just like a karaoke music video, the dialogue will appear on the screen when it's your time to speak Lucy's lines. 


Video 2: Watch the scene

This is the same scene as the one above, but this time you can watch the actor, Ngoc Phan, play the character Lucy. 


Video 3: Stage Manager

Watch another scene from the Stage Manager's point of view. You will notice Stage Manger, Brittany Stock, making 'calls' in the scene – take notice of what happens on the stage when she does.


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